In my searches today for all things canine cancer related, I came across these two links. The one article is from tomorrow (in the land down under apparently it's already Aug 5th).
VERY impressive stories. They have a new drug, EBC 46, that is vanishing cancer tumors in a matter of days! They've had so much success, that they are now starting human trials. If this doesn't give you goosebumps, there's something seriously wrong with you.
On July 23rd 2011 our beloved 9 year old Golden Retriever, Indiana (Indy) underwent an ER splenectomy and had two tumors removed. On July 27th he was diagnosed with Histiocytic Sarcoma. On Thursday July 28th, he began his treatment with a new drug called Neoplasene. This blog is an attempt to share our story with altnerative cancer treatments - we're praying that it's a good one!
It gives us hope for both our pups and humans we know with cancer now and in the future!